About Integrate Engineers

Integrate Engineers Pte Ltd was incorporated on 06 Feb 2013. The main shareholders are Samwoh Corporation Pte Ltd and HHK Delta Corporation Pte Ltd. The company has an issued share capital of 3m shares with a paid up capital of S$3.5m.

Our main core business activity is the installation of 22kV, 66kV, 230kV and 400kV power cables.

We are a proven partner of major players in the power industry such as LS Cable & System Ltd, Iljin electric Co. Ltd, GE Grid Solutions Pte Ltd and J-Power Systems Corp.

Mission Statement

To play a part in powering the future of Singapore by providing transmission cable installation expertise to the power industry. We can deliver such services to our clients in accordance to the highest safety and quality standards set by our clients.


Integrate Engineers seek to ensure that her people are equipped with the best knowledge, equipment and are motivated to provide the level of efficiency, quality, safety and reliability expected of us.

Values - HEART

Safety - The personal safety and health of our employees, stakeholders and environment is our responsibility.

Integrity - To uphold the integrity of company by take self-ownership in our work and conduct our business with moral character and honesty.

Synergy - Inwards, with teamwork, the whole is greater than the simple sum of its parts. Outwards, we aspire to create more values with our business partners.

Humility - Learn from mistakes and successes in equal measure and to never stop investment in the development of our people.

Care - We show concern for each other and provide welfare in a fair manner, believing that happy employees will produce excellent work.